兵器科學與技術(shù)(武器工業(yè))領(lǐng)域高質(zhì)量科技期刊分級目錄 |
Composites Science and Technology |
Defence Technology(防務(wù)技術(shù)) |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
International Journal of Impact Engineering |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
International Journal of Plasticity |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
Advances in Applied Mechanics |
Annual Review of Fluid Mechnics |
Combustion Science and Technology |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation |
Intemational Journal for Numerical Methods In Engineering |
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow |
Intemational Journal of MultiphaseFlow |
Intemational Journal of Solids and Structures |
Jounal of Applied Physics |
Joumal of Fluids and Structures |
Joumal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries |
Journal of Materials Science |
Jounal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
Materials Science and Engineering: A |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics |
Surface and Coatings Technology |
Arabian Jounal for Science and Engineering |
Australian Journal of Chemistry |
Combustion. Explosion,and Shock Waves |
Digital Signal Processing |
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics |
International Journal of Damage Mechanics |
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks |
International Jounal ofThemophvsics |
Joumal of Enerzetic Materials |
Joumal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics |
Joumal of Spacecraft and Rockets |
Materials Research Express |
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics |
Signal Image and Video Processing |
The International Jounal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
戰(zhàn)術(shù)導(dǎo)彈技術(shù) |