TIAN Li li,CAI Bin,ZHOU Jun,et al.Damage Diagnosis and Repair of Nanofiltration Membrane Element Treating Leachate[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(21):104-107.
- Title:
- Damage Diagnosis and Repair of Nanofiltration Membrane Element Treating Leachate
- 文章編號:
- 1000-4602(2018)21-0104-04
- Keywords:
- nanofiltration membrane; leachate; microbial contamination; physical damage; oxidative damage
- 分類號:
- TU993.3
- 文獻標志碼:
- C
- 摘要:
- 長沙市固體廢棄物處理場的滲濾液處理分廠出現(xiàn)了納濾膜壓力上漲快、膜兩端壓差高、化學清洗頻繁等生產(chǎn)難題,通過外觀檢測、有機物截留率檢測和探針測試,發(fā)現(xiàn)該膜進水端第一節(jié)膜元件質(zhì)量增加了6.67%,對有機物的截留率為87.03%,清液出水偏黃。取污染物檢測分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)是微生物滋生所產(chǎn)生的生物黏泥,表明該廠膜元件存在嚴重的微生物污染和一定程度的不可逆氧化損壞。通過投加非氧化性殺菌劑,有效抑制了微生物的繁殖,同時經(jīng)聚酰亞胺修復劑對納濾膜進一步修復后,該膜對有機物的截留率提高到了92.73%,出水清澈。
- Abstract:
- The nanofiltration membrane integrated unit in the leachate treatment of the solid waste treatment plant in Changsha City has experienced production problems such as fast increasing pressure, high pressure difference across the membrane, and frequent chemical cleaning. Visual examinations, organic matter retention test, and probe test were implemented. The results showed that the weight of the first membrane element increased by 6.67%, the rejection rate of organic matter was 87.03%, and the effluent was yellowish. Analysis of the pollutant revealed that the pollutant was biological slime produced by the microorganism. The results showed serious microbial contaminations and a certain degree of irreversible oxidative damage. Dosing nonoxidative fungicides effectively inhibited the propagation of bacteria. Meanwhile, the nanofiltration membrane was repaired with a polyimide repair agent. The retention rate increased to 92.73%, and the effluent was clear.
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作者簡介:田黎黎(1990- ),男,湖南邵陽人,大學本科,工程師,從事滲濾液處理研究工作。
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