Kong Scholar Achievement Award 2007 (Engineering Science Award) by Education Ministry of China.
China Young Scientist Award 2006.
National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2005.
National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2002.
National Award (Foundation) for Outstanding Young Scientist, Natural Science Foundation of China, 1998.
National Outstanding Postdoctoral Award, China Postdoctoral Fellowship Foundation (totally 10 in China), 1998.
China National Science and Technology Youth Prize,China Science and Technology Association and China Ministry of
Board Member of International Ozone Association, IOA-EA3G Group., 2001- present
Associate editor, ASCE, Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management
Board Member of China University Degree Committee of Civil Engineering, State Council of China , 2002-present
Board Member of China Water Industry Association, 2001-present.
工作經歷 |
1985.7-1987.1 | 哈爾濱建筑工程學院助教 |
1987.2-1997.2 | 哈爾濱建筑工程學院講師 |
1996.6-1999.11 | 哈爾濱建筑大學教授 |
1999.12-至今 | 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學長江學者特聘教授/教授 |
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1985-1987
Lecturer, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1987-1991
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1992-1995
“Marie Curie”Fellow, Civil Engineering Dept, Imperial College, UK, 1993-1995
Full Professor, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1996-present
Cheung Kong Professorship,School of Water and Environmental Eng.,Harbin Institute of Technology,1999-2004
Deputy Director of National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resources,2005-present
Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts University, 2003 (for three months).
Visiting Scholar, Eawag, 2006-2007 (for three months).
主要從事水處理工藝理論與技術方面的研究與教學工作。重點研究給水預處理 技術、高效多功能混凝工藝理論與技術、高效氣浮與強化過濾技術、給水深度處理理論與技術(氧化、吸附與生物等)、高級氧化技術(水處理催化氧化方法)、水的安全消毒方法、膜處理技術(膜的制備與處理工藝)、污水深度處理技術與回用方法等方面的工作。
項目名稱 | 項目來源 | 起訖時間 | 承擔角色 | 項目類別 |
季節(jié)性重污染河流水源水質處理關鍵技術研究與示范 | 建設部 | 2009年1月~ | 負責人 | 縱向項目 |
寒冷地區(qū)地表水中化工有機污染物的催化氧化組合技術與工藝研究 | 建設部 | 2009年1月~ | 負責人 | 縱向項目 |
改性PVDF膜催化過氧化氫降解水中有機污染物的效能與機理 | 國家自然基金 | 2010年1月~ | 負責人 | 縱向項目 |
梯度催化飲用水安全保障技術 | 國家教育部項目, "863"高科技項目 | 2010年6月~ | 負責人 | 縱向項目 |
高藻、高有機物湖泊型原水處理技術集成與示范 | 水專項 | 2008年1月~2010年12月 | 負責人 | 縱向項目 |
獎項名稱 | 獲獎年份 | 完成人 | 所獲獎項 |
中國青年科學家獎 | 2006 | 中國青年科學家獎 | |
國家技術發(fā)明獎 | 2002 | 第一完成人 | 國家技術發(fā)明獎二等獎 |
國家技術發(fā)明獎 | 2005 | 第一完成人 | 國家技術發(fā)明獎二等獎 |
長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授 | 1999 | 特聘教授 | |
長江學者成就獎 | 2007 | 三位獲獎人之一 | 工程科學獎 |
黑龍江省省長特別獎 | 2005 | 第一完成人 | 黑龍江省省長特別獎 |
黑龍江省科學技術獎 | 2002 | 第一完成人 | 黑龍江省科學技術獎一等獎 |
黑龍江省科學技術獎 | 2008 | 第一完成人 | 黑龍江省科學技術獎一等獎 |
論文標題 | 作者 | 發(fā)表/完成日期 | 期刊名稱 |
Efficient Reductive Dechlorination of Monochloroacetic Acid by Sulfite/UV Process | Xuchun Li, Jun Ma*, Guifang Liu, Jingyun Fang, SiyangYue, Yinghong Guan, Liwei Chen, and Xiaowei Liu | 2012年6月 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
Enhanced Separation Performance of PVDF/PVP-g-MMT Nanocomposite Ultrafiltration Membrane Based on the NVP-Grafted Polymerization | Wang Panpan; Ma Jun; Wang Zhenghui | 2012年3月 | LANGMUIR |
Hyperbranched-polymer functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes for poly (vinylidene fluoride) membranes: From dispersion to | Xiaoyu Zhao; Jun Ma*;Zhenghui Wang;Gang Wen;Jin Jiang;Fengmei Shi;Lianxi Sheng | 2012年8月 | DESALINATION |
Influence of pH on the Formation of Sulfate and Hydroxyl Radicals in the UV/Peroxymonosulfate System | Guan Ying-Hong; Ma Jun; Li Xu-Chun | 2011年11月 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
Magnetic porous ferrospinel NiFe2O4: A novel ozonation catalyst with strong catalytic property for degradation of di-n-butyl pht | Yueming Ren;Qing Dong;Jing Feng; | 2012年6月 | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE |
Oxidation of Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Potassium Permanganate in Synthetic and Real Waters | Jiang Jin; Pang Su-Yan; Ma Jun; Liu Huiling | 2011年11月 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions (Fe( | Pang Su-Yan; Jiang Jin; Ma Jun | 2011年1月 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
Ozonation kinetics for the degradation of phthalate esters in water and the reduction of toxicity in the process of O-3/H2O2 | Wen Gang; Ma Jun; Liu Zheng-Qian | 2011年11月 | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
Reuse of sewage sludge as a catalyst in ozonation-Efficiency for the removal of oxalic acid and the control of bromate formation | Gang Wen;Zhi-HuiPan;Jun Ma*;Zheng-QianLiu;Lei Zhao;Jun-Jing Li | 2012年9月 | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
Strong Enhancement on Fenton Oxidation by Addition of Hydroxylamine to Accelerate the F | Chen Liwei; Ma Jun; Li Xuchun | 2011年3月 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
Synthesis and properties of bisphenol A molecular imprinted particle for selective recognition of BPA from water | Yueming Ren;Weiqing Ma;Jun Ma*;Qing Wen;Jun Wang;Fangbo Zhao | 2011年10月 | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE |
The role of nonsolvent in-diffusion velocity in determining polymeric membrane morphology | Zhenghui Wang;Jun Ma* | 2011年11月 | DESALINATION |
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[8] Jun Ma, Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, Jin Guo. Adsorptive fractionation of humic acid at air-water interfaces. Environmental Science and Technology, 2007, 41(14), 4959-4964.
[9] Yixin Yang, Jun Ma, Qingdong Qin, Xuedong Zhai. Degradation of nitrobenzene by nano-TiO2 catalyzed ozonation. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 2007, 267(1-2), 41-48.
[10] Lei Zhao, Jun Ma, Zhizhong Sun, Xuedong Zhai. Mechanism of influence of initial pH on the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb catalytic ozonation. Environmental Science and Technology, 2008, 42(11), 4002-4007.
[11] Lei Zhao, Jun Ma, Zhizhong Sun, XuedongZhai. Catalytic ozonation for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb-supported manganese. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2008, 83(3-4), 256-264.
[12] Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma, Yuhong Cui. Carbon nanotube supported platinum catalysts for the ozonation of oxalic acid in aqueous solutions. Carbon, 2008, 46(6), 890-897.
[13] Jin Jiang, SuyanPang, Jun Ma. Oxidation of Triclosan by Permanganate (Mn(VII)): Importance of Ligands and In Situ Formed Manganese Oxides. Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43(21), 8326-8331.
[14] Lei Zhao, Jun Ma, Xuedong Zhai. Synergetic Effect of Ultrasound with Dual Fields for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution. Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43(13), 5094-5099.
[15] Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma, Yuhong Cui, Beiping Zhang. Effect of ozonation pretreatment on the surface properties and catalytic activity of multi-walled carbon nanotube. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2009, 92(3-4), 301-306.
[16] Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, Jun Ma. Role of Ligands in Permanganate Oxidation of Organics. Environmental Science and Technology. 2010, 44(11), 4270-4275.
[17] Jingyun Fang, Jun Ma, Xin Yang, Chii Shang. Formation of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-products from the chlorination of Microcystis aeruginosa. Water Research, 2010, 44(6), 1934-1940.
[18] Zhengqian Liu, Jun Ma, Yuhong Cui, Lei Zhao, Beiping Zhang. Influence of different heat treatments on the surface properties and catalytic performance of carbon nanotube in ozonation. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2010, 101(1-2), 74-80.
[19]Xiaoling Shao, Jun Ma, Jingjing Yang, Xuchun Li. Gang Wen. Effect of humic acid on the oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by permanganate, Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQUA. 59 (2010)324-334.
[20]Bingbing Xu, Zhonglin Chen, Fei Qi, Jun Ma, Fengchang Wu. Comparison of N-nitrosodiethylamine degradation in water by UV irradiation and UV/O3: Efficiency, product and mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 179(2010)976-982.
[21] Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, Jun Ma. Role of Ligands in Permanganate Oxidation of Organics, Environmental Science and Technology. 44(2010)4270-4275.
[22] Lei Zhao, Zhizhong Sun, Jun Ma, Huiling Liu. Influencing mechanism of bicarbonate on the catalytic ozonation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution by ceramic honeycomb supported manganese,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical. 322(2010)26-32.
[23]Minghao Sui, Li Sheng, Jun Ma, FengTian. Kexiang Lu. Assistance of Magnesium Cations on Degradation of Refractory Organic Pollutant by Ozone: Nitrobenzene as Model Compound, Ozone-Science and Engineering.. 32(2010)113-121.
[24]Baicang Liu, Jun Ma, Lin Luo, YuhuaBai, Shutao Wang, Jing Zhang. Two-Dimensional LDV Measurement, Modeling, and Optimal Design of Rectangular Primary Settling Tanks, Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE. 136(2010)501-507.
[25]Bingbing Xu, Zhonglin Chen, Fei Qi, Jun Ma, Fengchang Wu. Authors' response to comments on "Inhibiting the regeneration of N-nitrosodimethylamine in drinking water by UV photolysis combined with ozonation" by F. Xiao, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 177(2010)1167-1169.
[26]Jingyun Fang, Jun Ma, Xin Yang, Chii Shang. Formation of carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection by-products from the chlorination of Microcystisaeruginosa, Water Research. 44 (2010)1934-1940.
[27]Xiaoling Shao, Jun Ma, Gang Wen, Jingjing Yang. Oxidation of estrone by permanganate: Reaction kinetics and estrogenicity removal, Chinese Science Bulletin. 55(2010)802-808.
[28]Xiangyu Wang, Ping Ning, Huiling Liu, Jun Ma. Dechlorination of chloroacetic acids by Pd/Fe nanoparticles: Effect of drying method on metallic activity and the parameter optimization, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. 94(2010)55-63.
[29]Lei Zhao, Jun Ma, Xuedong Zhai. Enhanced mechanism of catalytic ozonation by ultrasound with orthogonal dual frequencies for the degradation of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution, UltrasonicsSonochemistry.
[30]Chengchun Jiang, Suyan Pang, FengOuyang, Jun Ma, Jin Jiang. A new insight into Fenton and Fenton-like processes for water treatment, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 174(2010)813-817.
[31]Jingyun Fang, Xin Yang,Jun Ma, Chii Shang, Zhao Quan.Characterization of algal organic matter and formation of DBPs from chlor(am)ination, Water Research. Article in Press.
[32]Di He, Xiaohong Guan, Jun Ma, Xue Yang, Chongwei Cui. Influence of humicacids of different origins on oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols by permanganate, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 182(2010)681-688.
[33]Suyan Pang, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma. Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic (III) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions(Fe(IV)) as Active Intermediates in Fenton Reaction. Environmental Science and Technology 45 (2011) 307-312
發(fā)表SCI收錄論文130篇,在國際水協會刊Water Research等影響因子4.0 以上的雜志上發(fā)表論文64篇, 其中在水和環(huán)境領域頂級刊物Environ. Sci. Technol.等影響因子大于5.0的雜志上發(fā)表論文30篇, SCI收錄論文被引1800余次, EI收錄論文120篇。主持工程設計與重大污染應急工程十五項,培養(yǎng)博士38名、碩士32名,其中2名獲全國百篇優(yōu)秀博士論文、2名獲全國優(yōu)秀博士論文提名獎。
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